2024 Nutcracker F.A.Q.

Below are some commonly asked questions regarding The Nutcracker performances at The Kennedy Center. If your question is not answered here, please feel free to email us. POD questions are answered below.


Q. What time does my chorister have to be there?

A. The Call Time is 6:30 p.m. for the evening performances and 12:30 p.m. for the matinee performances.

Q. Where do I drop-off my chorister?

A. The drop-off location is at the main circular entrance to The Kennedy Center in front of the Hall of Nations (on the side of the Center furthest from the Watergate complex). You will not be able to park and leave your car in front of the Kennedy Center. If you wish to go inside with your chorister you will have to park in the parking garage and come up to the Hall of Nations.

Make sure your child connects with a POD outside (follow the signs) before leaving.

Q. What time do I pick up my chorister?

A. You should pick up your chorister around 8:30 p.m. for the evening performances, and 2:30 p.m. for the matinee performances, just after intermission starts.

Q. Where do I pick up my chorister?

A. Pick-up is the same place as drop-off which is at the main circular entrance in front of the Hall of Nations.

Q. Do I need to park and wait outside or go inside to pick up my chorister?

A. No, you will be able to wait in your car in the driveway until the PODs come out. Choristers will remain inside until you pull up out front, at which time the POD will send them out to you. Please note that Kennedy Center security may not let you linger outside the building for very long and you may be asked to circle around and come back.

Q. What should my chorister wear?

A. Choristers must be dressed in all-black. We recommend wearing the official chorister outfit, with the exception that choristers wearing option two substitute the white shirt for a black shirt.

Q. Does my chorister need to wear a mask?

A. Masks are optional in all Kennedy Center spaces for visitors and staff. If your chorister prefers to wear a mask, they are welcome to do so.

Q. Can parents/guardians stay for the whole performance?

A. Parents or guardians must buy their own tickets if they would like to watch the performance, but remember - choristers DO NOT have tickets to the performance. If you are staying for the second half of the show, you must buy a ticket for your chorister before the performance (seating is reserved, so make sure everyone is sitting together). There will be a discount code for some performances that will likely be ready to share by the end of October.

Q. Where should we drop-off/pick-up our chorister if we have tickets to the performance of the Nutcracker?

A. If you have tickets to the performance, you can park first and then bring your child around to the Opera House Stage Door which is in the Hall of Nations and leave them with the PODs at the Call Time (one hour before performance). At intermission, pick them up at the same spot. Remember, if you are staying for the second half of the show, you must buy a ticket for your chorister before the performance.

Q. What should my chorister bring?

A. Choristers may bring water with them and snacks as needed.

Q. What should I do if our plans change?

A. If your child is ill or your plans change, please let the Chorus Manager know as soon as possible.


PODs are key to ensuring successful performances and we thank all of you for helping.

It is important that each and every chorister be supervised at all times.

The Kennedy Center absolutely FORBIDS any photos being taken backstage or with the performers or staff and rigidly enforces this policy (certainly no posting to social media).
Please ensure no photos are taken.

Q. What should PODs wear?

A. Black is always safest. Only one POD will be selected to sit in the orchestra pit with the choristers; if a POD is not in all-black they cannot be in the pit.

Q. Do PODs need masks?

A. Masks are optional in all Kennedy Center spaces for visitors and staff. If you prefer to wear a mask, you are welcome to do so.

Q. Where do PODs park?

A. PODs should park on the South Side of the parking garage on Level C.

Q. Do I need to pay for parking if I’m a POD?

A. The Kennedy Center provides PODs with parking vouchers which reduce the parking to $8 for the entire session. Please check with the Chorus Manager if you have not received your Parking Voucher.

Q. How do I use the parking voucher?

A. When you enter any of the drive lanes, pull up to the kiosk on the driver’s side of the lane.

  1. Scan your voucher barcode on the left-hand side of the kiosk, either from your phone or from the printed PDF you should have received.

  2. The amount due on the screen should decrease to the discounted price.

  3. Put your credit or debit card into the slot and follow instructions on the screen.

  4. Take the ticket from the slot. Keep this ticket with you as you will need to insert it into the kiosk on your way out. It also serves as your receipt.

  5. If you have any trouble, wave down any parking attendant on duty or press the call button labeled “Push for Assistance.”

If you forget your voucher or cannot find it on your phone, you will be forced to pay the full $25 to park in the garage.  If this happens, please let us know and we can request a refund for you.

Q. What time do PODs arrive?

A. The Artistic Director and Lead POD should arrive 30 minutes before Call Time (which is typically one hour before any performance) so 1.5 hours before the performance.

Other PODs should arrive at least 15 minutes before call time, so 1.25 hours before the performance.

Please allow plenty of time to park and be at your station at the allocated time.

Q. Where do PODs go?

A. PODs use the benches nearest the Opera House stage door (Hall of Nations, near entrance) as the Command Center.

Q. What should I do as a POD?

A. PODs will be assigned a POD number:

  • POD #1 stands on the curb in front of the Hall of Nations with an ACC sign to receive choristers as they arrive by car and ensures that the chorister’s appearance is proper for the performance (all black or uniform, non-sparkly clothes, no flashy jewelry, etc., and for 2022, has a black mask).

  • POD #2 runs the Command Center with the ACC sign-in sheet to check in the choristers. (An older chorister may help by holding the sign-in clipboard, but must remain in sight of POD #1.)

  • PODs #3 and 4: 
    - Escort choristers from POD #1 at the curb to POD #2 at the Command Center. 
    - Escort choristers to the nearby restrooms as necessary.  
    - Help maintain order in the Command Center and remind choristers that professional behavior is expected.

  • As things get busy, make sure that kids do not get lost in the shuffle as many groups of dancers will be entering the Hall of Nations about the same time we do, and some enter the backstage area with us as well.

When 90% of the choristers have arrived at the Command Center, PODs 3 & 4 take them up the elevator to the Green Room on Level 2. Choristers should bring their belongings with them to the Green Room and not leave them in the Hall of Nations. 

Once in the Green Room, choristers should immediately start to warm up. PODs must ensure kids put phones away, no running, loud noises, etc. Kids may snack after warm-up.  

30 minutes before the scheduled start, ensure restroom breaks have been taken and the choristers are ready to perform. Restrooms are down the hall to the right. Be aware that these restrooms are part of the Nutcracker Dancers’ dressing room, so be respectful.

20 minutes before the scheduled start, the AD and 2-3 PODs take the kids down the back elevator to the stage entrance.

**Kids must be quiet once they step off the elevator**

One POD, chosen by the AD, goes into the pit and sits on the opposite end of the benches from the AD, while the other 1-2 PODs remain outside in case a student is ill, needs to use the restroom, or is disruptive.

Once a chorister is removed from the pit for ANY reason, they do not re-enter the pit. The remaining PODs stay in the Green Room.

Our number is the last song of the first act.

Immediately after the first act, choristers leave the pit and go back to Green Room as a group. When all are accounted for and all have collected their jackets and other belongings, take all down to the command center in the Hall of Nations.  Please ensure that all trash is thrown away before leaving the Green Room. 

  • POD #1 stands on the curb in front of the Hall of Nations with an ACC sign and cell phone. As parents arrive and ask for the child, POD #1 tells POD #3 which choristers to send out. 

  • POD #2 stands at Command Center with the sign-out sheet. Primary task is to check off names as per POD #1 request. Priority should go to those choristers who will be attending the second half of the performance. POD #2 must sign each chorister out with “Mom”, “Dad”, “Sarah’s Mom”, etc.

  • POD #3 with an ACC sign and cell phone, receives the signal from POD #1 and alerts POD #2 which chorister parents are waiting outside.

  • POD #4 with an ACC sign and cell phone, takes choristers to the curb to greet parents in their cars and helps ensure the choristers watch for traffic as they walk outdoors to their ride.

All ACC kids must stay together and not wander off, even to the restroom. No chorister may move from designated areas without an adult.