Membership Category
New Member for 2025 Spring Term
Returning Member
Chorister's Name
First Name
Last Name
Which Tier Group Is Your Child?
Indicate which tier group the Artistic Director has placed your chorister
Bel Canto
What grade is your child?
Which school does your child attend?
Age of Chorister
Address (where chorister resides)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Primary Parent/Guardian Full Name
Please provide accurate information as the chorus will use this information for all chorus and emergency contacts
First Name
Last Name
Primary Phone Number
Secondary Parent/Guardian Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Secondary Phone Number
Emergency Contact 1: Full Name
Please complete information for 2 emergency contacts whom you hereby authorize to pick up your children. Emergency contacts MUST be adults other than those listed as Parents/Guardians above, and may be parents of other choristers.
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact 1: Relationship
Emergency Contact 1: Primary Phone Number
Emergency Contact 2: Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact 2: Relationship
Emergency Contact 2: Primary Phone Number
Health Information: Indicate any health conditions that would require special attention from the Artistic Director (be as specific as possible). If this question does not apply, write “not applicable” or “N/A” in the space below.
Health conditions Including ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, Hearing problems, Heart issues, Physical disabilities, Seizures, Vision problems, etc.
Media Release
The Arlington Children’s Chorus (ACC) would like your child to participate in any photograph or video or audio recording that may be used for promotional purposes by The Arlington Children’s Chorus and may be copied, copyrighted, edited and distributed by ACC. You have the right to object to the use of your child’s likeness, name and/or voice in these productions, however, your child may not be able to participate in some activities. If you object to this Media Release a member of the ACC will contact you to discuss the options.
I ACCEPT this Media Release
I OBJECT to this Media Release
Publication of Name
The ACC lists your child's name in program guides, which include the program guide at the Kennedy Center's Nutcracker performance. The ACC will never publish the full name of your child on any public document or public site. If you do not want your child's name to be published in any program guide, you may opt-out below and your child's name will NOT be in the ACC programs or on the Nutcracker Program Guide.
My child's name may be published in a program guide
I do NOT want my child's name to be published anywhere
Where did you FIRST hear about the ACC
Friends and Family
News ad or story
Other Social Media
Search Engine
Which category best describes your chorister?
Asian American/Pacific Islander/Asian
Black/African American/African
Native American/American Indian/Indigenous
Multi-racial/Multi-ethnic (two or more races or ethnicities)
How does your chorister publicly self-identify?
Gender nonbinary/Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming
Prefer not to answer
How does your chorister self-identify?
I identify as a person with a disability
I do not identify as a person with a disability
Prefer not to answer
I would like to help the ACC as a volunteer in the following categories:
Marketing and promotions
Community outreach
Accounting or finance
Data analysis
Graphic Design
Board Member
Additional Information
If you answered 'Other' in the question above or any other question, or would like to share any other information, please write here:
Thank you for registering! You will now be directed to the payment page where you may pay for your chorister(s) online, or alternatively, send a check to The Arlington Children’s Chorus, PO Box 7724, Arlington, VA 22207 and please write the name of your chorister(s) on the check.
If this page does not redirect, you may make the payment at